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i’ve always loved music. it sounds cliche, i know. from an early age i was listening to rock, pop, jazz, & classical. i started a garage band in high school, sang in a few bands during college, and i still love going to hear live music, enjoying the way it can slowly surround your soul & allow you to tune out the rest of the world. music is in my blood. my dad was a country-western singer that wanted to write Nashville hits. i used to help him stuff manila envelops with demo tapes + a “please listen” plea for acknowledgement and acceptance in a competitive, cutthroat industry.

i was an angsty, rebellious teenager. in the 90’s no less. put those two together and i bet it paints an obvious image that doesn’t need much description. music was my favorite form of self-expression. i’m listening to this because i’m feeling this.

fast forward a few years to a small concert venue in downtown Seattle. A band called My Brightest Diamond, fronted by a woman named Shara Worden [now Nova] was playing an opening set for the band DeVotchKa. As this lovely and petite, elfin woman walked onto the stage in a green, glittery dress and astonished the audience with her voice, i fell hard. music is a lot like love, i think. sometimes it’s gradual, delicate even, sometimes it’s hard and fast, blink or you miss it, i can’t believe i found you. a n y w a y…

fast forward again. i’m now dating a musician/guitar maker who needs to deliver a jaw-droppingly gorgeous custom sparkly silver guitar that he built for this same Shara, and he also needs a few images of her with the guitar, taken by me.
so. cool.
andyesofcourse i’ll do it.

we took ’em quick. a few in her detroit loft and a few out in the hallway, after sitting down to coffee at her kitchen table. i felt rushed, off my game and totally out of my element but i couldn’t have had a bigger smile on my face. & while i haven’t shared them much, mainly because i felt like they just weren’t the best representation of my work, i’d like to share them now. <3

PS: oh and that 35mm sigma art lens, tho.




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